1. Assia is a rock band ,rooted in Antwerp, that came about somewhere in 2010. The band was kickstarted by Asmara and Tiana, brother and sister. Together they created a blend of indorock and 80's hardrock and soon found themselves surrounded with band members that were of like mind. They are now a six member formation and are working hard on getting their music out there. Currently they have finished recording their first demo and have a series of gigs planned in 2011. The story begins in 2010 when Asmara, already playing in CIA Bartender, decides to start up his own band. Having already written some material together he officially asks his sister (Tiana) and a friend (Somphong) to join him on vocals and bass respectively. Together they created such songs now known as "Believe In Yourself", "Don't Care About You" and "Children Of Rock 'n' Roll". At this point, however, they were only a three-piece band and Asmara had to record the keyboards and drums himself. All of this was done at home but they knew they had to get out there and so they placed ads, looking for a second guitar player and drummer. In the meantime they also had their first live experience with the help of Dreas en Peter (CIA Bartender). The show garnered some good reviews and made them confident that this was the road they wanted to take. After a few auditions the band came across Leslie who also resided in Antwerp and who reacted to the ad after hearing their homemade recordings. He loved the music and fitted the profile so it didn't take too long before he was drafted. They then found a place to rehearse and starting from January 2011 they practiced weekly somewhere in the outskirts of the city. For the time being, however, with the use of a drum track. With this line-up they did a few small shows and it was then that they met Julie. She started out as a fan of the band but to her own surprise found herself playing the keyboards before too long. Assia needed one more person to complete the line-up. A drummer! Actually, this didn't quite turn out to be an easy job but they kept looking and somewhere in May 2011 they responded to an ad of a drummer. He was called Fabiano and also lived in Antwerp. Having played in rock and metal bands for a long time he knew how to handle the sticks very well. After one try-out the band was convinced he had the skills and the vibe. And so the band finally found their dummer. The story of Assia continues in 2011 with the making of their demo, playing live shows and spreading their music as far as they can. Just believe in yourself... 2. Assia est une chanteuse franco-algérienne, d'origine kabyle, née le 1er novembre 1973 à Alger. Elle fait douze ans de conservatoire classique à Créteil en banlieue parisienne. Elle se fait connaître en participant au titre Une affaire de famille avec Stomy Bugsy, Passi et Doc Gyneco du Secteur A. En 1998 elle participe à la bande originale du film Taxi. En 2000, elle sort son premier album Chercheuse d'or, enregistré entre Paris, Toulouse et Los Angeles. Assia écrit les textes et son frère Khalil signe la musique. Son premier single s'intitule Elle est à toi. Il est écrit en collaboration avec Calbo d'Arsenik, le second est Là-bas. Assia participe en 2002 à la comédie musicale Cindy en compagnie de Lââm. En 2003, figurent sur la compil' Première classe R'n'B Street Life avec Beenie Man et Si c'était à refaire. En 2005, sort son deuxième album, Encore et encore, après avoir subi une opération de chirurgie esthétique visant à corriger son nez. Le premier single, Politiquement correcte est écrit avec Diam's.