Damian Luca - video clips, songs, albums online

Singer name: Damian Luca
Year of foundation / birth: 1936
Damian Luca (b.July 18, 1936, Bucharest , Romania ) is a well-known naist and virtuoso musician from Romania. He is the nephew of the famous naist Fănică Luca . He was born on July 18, 1936 in Bucharest , in a family of musicians. At the initiative of his uncle, the famous Naist Fănică Luca , he was received at the age of 13, in the panpipe class of the Music School no. 1 in Bucharest (the current Dinu Lipatti High School). From adolescence he participated in the competitions of the World Festivals of Youth and Students for Peace and Friendship in Berlin ( 1951 ), Bucharest ( 1953 ), Warsaw ( 1955 ) and Moscow ( 1957 ), winning the title. Fanică Luca, being one of the best Romanian panpipes, received from the state leadership, more precisely from Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej , a post of panpipe teacher. Damian Luca finished his studies at the Music High School as the best student in the class, having colleagues as other future great naives such as Gheorghe Zamfir , Constantin Dobre, Damian Cârlănaru, Radu Simion or Simion Stanciu. He was then immediately employed by the Barbu Lăutaru Orchestra conducted at the time by Nicu Stănescu and Ionel Budișteanu . With this orchestra he participated in numerous festivals and competitions in socialist countries: Hungary , Bulgaria , Poland , Czech Republic . At the Jeunesse International Festival, he was awarded four medals. With the same orchestra he toured in Austria , Finland and the Federal Republic of Germany . Among the most important moments of his career are probably his appearances at the Olympia restaurant in Paris in 1956. During this time, he made several appearances on television, followed by performances on BBC television in London . With Rapsodia Română, another internationally renowned Romanian folk ensemble, Damian Luca toured extensively in the United States , the most important being in 1962. This led to an invitation from the Ed Sullivan Show. His 1963 performances on tour in Belgium , including the Opera in Brussels , the Netherlands , Germany , Austria , France and Denmark , as well as his numerous appearances in the US and Canada , contributed to his worldwide popularity. In 1966 , he performed 31 shows in Israel , with the Miorița Ensemble, led by Ionel Budișteanu . At the invitation of the United States Department of Culture , Damian Luca taught at the University of Washington , Seattle , in a class of about 20 students. He has recorded in various European countries and collaborated with the famous Belgian guitarist Francis Goya . He is currently based in Brussels , Belgium .