Screeching Weasel - video clips, songs, albums online

Singer name: Screeching Weasel
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Screeching Weasel is an American punk band from Chicago, Illinois. They were formed in 1986 by Ben Weasel (aka Ben Foster who also used to be a columnist for the punk fanzine Maximum Rocknroll) and John Jughead (aka John Pierson). The band gained prominence in the early 1990s after signing to East Bay punk label, Lookout! Records and are cited to be a major influence over many bands playing that style of punk music. Through the years, the band went through many line-up changes, with Ben and John being the only constant members since the band’s inception. Screeching Weasel officially broke up for (roughly) the third - and allegedly final - time on July 6, 2001. The band did a few surprise shows between 2001-2009. Ben Weasel reformed the group in March 2009 with a new line-up, and without John Jughead. Ben had released solo albums that were the same just in his name. John finally settled for T-Shirt money for being an original member of the band and a royalties for a handful songs he co-wrote, and let Ben play as Screeching Weasel with the hundreds of song lyrics and music has written. Former Members include renowned punk rock record producer Mass Giorgini on bass guitar, Dan Panic (born Dan Sullivan) on drums, and Danny Vapid (born Dan Schafer,on guitar or bass, depending on the band’s necessity. Dan is currently fronting The Methadones and formerly of Sludgeworth) Members of Screeching Weasel have gone on to form bands such as: The Methadones, The Mopes, Even In Blackouts, and Sweet Black And Blue.