Song Dr Alban - Its My Life (Raggadag Remix)

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Song name: Its My Life (Raggadag Remix)
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Lyrics of Dr Alban — Its My Life (Raggadag Remix)

It's my, it's my, it's my, it's my, it's my, it's my, it's my life

It's my life, my worries, it's my life
It's my life, my problems, it's my life
It's my life my worries, it's my life
It's my life, my problems, it's my life

It's my life take it or leave it
Set me free
What's that crap, papa-knew-it-all
I got my own life, you got your own life
Live your life and set me free
Mind your business and leave my business

You know everything, papa-knew-it-all
Very little knowledge is dangerous
Stop bugging me, stop bothering me
Stop bugging me, stop forcing me
Stop fighting me, stop yelling me
It's my life

It's my life
It's my life, my worries, it's my life
It's my life, my problems, it's my life
It's my life my worries, it's my life
It's my life, my problems, it's my life

It's my life, my worries, it's my life
It's my life, my problems, it's my life
It's my life my worries, it's my life
It's my life, my problems, it's my life

It's my life, łączę nad ranem
Nagrywam feat z doktor Albanem
Robimy kwit
Sakwy wypchane
Weź mi zabroń, zawołaj mamę
It's my life
Kocham te rapy
Lecę do przodu, nie zatrzyma mnie nic

Wchodzę do studia, jak do siebie do chaty
Ty nogi masz z waty, kwiczysz, co za hit
Tata mówił mi: "Nic nie dygaj, ziom!
Nie odwracaj się i do przodu idź"
Dziś zataczam tu swój muzyczny krąg
A kiedyś mógłbym tylko o tym śnić
Więc nie mówi mi, co mam robić
I tak nie posłucham Twoich rad - nigdy
Musiałbym na nowo się narodzić
Nagrywam hit sprzed 30 lat

It's my life, my worries, it's my life
It's my life, my problems, it's my life
It's my life my worries, it's my life
It's my life, my problems, it's my life

It's my life, my worries, it's my life
It's my life, my problems, it's my life
It's my life my worries, it's my life
It's my life, my problems, it's my life (my life, my life, my life)