Album A Hundred Days Off (Underworld). Songs and videos online

Album title: A Hundred Days Off
Singers: Underworld
Release year: 2002
Radio stations

Album songs of A Hundred Days Off - Underworld

A Hundred Days Off is a 2002 album by Underworld. The album produced two UK Singles Chart entries: "Two Months Off", which reached no. 12 and "Dinosaur Adventure 3D", which reached no. 34. Although this was the first album since Darren Emerson's departure from the group in 2001, the album is not a huge stylistic makeover as the focus is still techno, although without the thumping beats that defined their previous longplayer Beaucoup Fish.

As with any Underworld album, the songs are generally long (over five minutes in length) and full of synthesizers, drum machines and stream-of-consciousness poetry sung/spoken over the beats. The album is considered to be less aggressive than their previous album[citation needed], Beaucoup Fish, often more open to ambient music and lounge music aesthetics than solely techno music.