Album Da Bomb ( Kris Kross ). Songs and videos online

Album title: Da Bomb
Singers: Kris Kross
Release year: 1993
Radio stations

Album songs of Da Bomb - Kris Kross

Da Bomb was the second studio album from hip-hop duo Kris Kross, whose members hit puberty a year after its debut album Totally Krossed Out. They tried a hardcore/gangsta look to fit with the new style of hip-hop. The album was not as successful as Totally Krossed Out, as many fans were not impressed with the new look and style and the use of the racial slur "nigga," and reviews were mixed. The line "I drop bombs like Hiroshima" from "Da Bomb" was edited out of the album's Japanese release. Despite some negative reviews the album was certified platinum in the US, selling 1.1 million copies, and a total of 4 million copies worldwide. Three singles were released, "Alright," "I'm Real" and "Da Bomb."