Album Live at Montreux 1991/1992 (Tori Amos). Songs and videos online

Album title: Live at Montreux 1991/1992
Singers: Tori Amos
Release year: 2008
Radio stations

Album songs of Live at Montreux 1991/1992 - Tori Amos

Live at Montreux 1991/1992 is a Tori Amos live album and DVD set, released on September 22, 2008 in the United Kingdom and on September 30, 2008 in the United States, featuring two separate performances at the Montreux Jazz Festival early in her career. The first 10-song set was recorded on July 3rd, 1991 with the second 9-song set recorded one year later on July 7th, 1992. The bulk of the set list for each show was taken from Amos' solo debut album Little Earthquakes.
Eagle Rock Entertainment, a distributor for many releases of Montreux Jazz Festival performances, released the CD and DVD sets over 15 years after these performances were originally recorded.