Alexandra Ungureanu - video clips, songs, albums online

Singer name: Alexandra Ungureanu
Radio stations
One of the few artist that focus on the pure voice and not on the principle that sex sells. It is always decent and beautiful at the same time. Has a very good voice and packed up with a great DJ in the person of Crush Alexandra started providing some quality pieces from early 2005. With hit songs like "Aprinde Dragostea" and "Inima mea" from the last record she is definitely one of the best Romanian voices of the moment. Crush provides a solid sound with great beats (like of disco) and Alexandra's voice is the cherry on it. It's a clean solid voice that is a pleasure to listen. Also it gets the best out of the sound. One of the few artists in Romania that are artist in the mean of the word not just playing around like artist. Respect to Her and Crush!