Bert Joris - video clips, songs, albums online

Singer name: Bert Joris
Born in Antwerp (Belgium) in 1957, Bert Joris receives classical lessons on violin, piano and acoustic bass. He starts playing trumpet at the age of 14. He then gets interested in Jazz and rapidly becomes one of the top jazzmen in Belgium, known for his warm sound and his lyricism. Due to his talents as a soloist, he gets hired in 1978 by the “BRT radio Jazz orchestra”. He stays with this band till 1987, and during this period he becomes one of the main soloists and composers for this band. His first quartet album (Sweet Seventina) appears in 1986 and in the same year Joe Lovano invites him with his quartet to tour and record the album “Solid Steps”. He also tours and records with the Joe Haider/Mel Lewis Orchestra during this period. Since 1992 he is playing all over the world with the Belgian guitarist Philip Catherine .Enrico Pieranunzi asked him to join his quintet and out of this cooperation comes “Don’t forget the Poet”, recorded in 1999. He appears with many different combo’s and musicians such as:”Michel Herr European Quintet”and the “Philippe Aerts quartet”, “Amsterdam Jazz5tet”,Jesse Van Ruller, ,Joe Haider,Wolfgang Haffner, Rob van Bavel, Tony Malaby,Lew Tabakin, Lee Konitz,Charlie Mariano,Woody Shaw, Hank Jones,Mel Lewis, Jimmy Cobb,, Marc Johnson, Ira Coleman, Hein van de Gein, Marc Moulin and many others. In 1996 he receives the prestigious prize “DJANGO D’OR” and in 1998 he is chosen by belgium public and critics as the best Jazz trumpet player of the year. Bert Joris is also working as a Big Band leader and composer. He writes regularly for the Brussels Jazz Orchestra and appears often with them as a soloist. He produced six of their CD’s: “The September Sessions”and “The music of Bert Joris” and “Signs and Signatures”, two productions with a compilation of his own compositions, on wich one he is also the main soloist, “Meeting Colours” with Philip Catherine and himself as soloists, “Ten years ago” with Richard Galliano ,and “Dangerous Liaison” , with four compositions for symphony orchestra and big band. In 2008 he was invited as a guest soloist and composer with the Vanguard Jazz Orchestra in the famous jazz club “Village Vanguard”. He wrote filmscores for: “Bal Masqué” (Julien Vreebos), “De Kus” and “Dennis van Rita” (Hilde van Mieghem). Bert Joris is a worldwide respected pedagogue. In Belgium he was at the source of the jazz departments in Leuven, Brussels and Antwerp. In Holland he taught at the Hilversum Conservatory and in Bern he is running since 23 years a very successful trumpetclass and Big band. He has been invited all over the world to give masterclasses . With the SJS Big Band, he recorded live at the Montreux Jazz festival and appeared at the IAJE convention in New York with guest soloist Clark Terry in 1998 .In 2004 he was invited for a second time on this convention to play his music with the Brussels Jazz Orchestra,and this concert became one of the highlights of the convention. Since 2000 Bert is touring and recording with his own quartet with Dado Moroni (pn),Philippe Aerts(b) and Dré Pallemaerts(dr). Their recording “Magone” (Dreyfus records) was awarded several times : Disque d‘émoi, Choc and the Klara music award. In autumn 2009 Bert performed in the ten most prestigious concert halls of Belgium with the Brussels Symphonic and the Brussels Jazz Orchestra as a conductor, composer and soloist in a project called “Creating Chances”. February 2010 Bert Joris was awarded the Flanders Cultural price 2009 in the music category. In 2012 the Antwerp Conservatory Foundation made him “Maestro Honoris Causa”.