Celldweller - video clips, songs, albums online

Singer name: Celldweller
Website: Celldweller
Klayton is Celldweller. Personifying the sound of the iPod generation, Klayton creates a hybrid fusion of digital and organic elements: intricately designed soundscapes that take cues from electronic genres like drum n bass, electro, and dustep, woven together with aggressive rock/metal and orchestral elements. Celldweller ignores genre boundaries and stylistic confinement and the end result is a pioneering vision of the future of electronic music. In 2012, the Detroit based multi-instrumentalist artist, producer, songwriter, performer, programmer, and re-mixer Klayton brings the latest evolution of the Celldweller live show to the world. Featuring custom filmed & edited video synchornized with music that blends today’s established styles with tomorrow’s revolutions in sound, Celldweller is more than just another DJ set.