Chelsea - video clips, songs, albums online

Singer name: Chelsea
Website: Chelsea
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"Chelsea" are an English punk rock band, formed in London in 1976. The original line-up was front-man Gene October, guitarist Billy Idol, Tony James (bass) and John Towe (drums, who had come from London SS along with James). After a few gigs, the other three left October to form Generation X (with Idol later becoming a major star). October then recruited Carey Fortune (drums), Martin Stacy (guitar) and Bob Jessie (bass), with the last two soon replaced by Henry Daze and James Stevenson (who later performed with Generation X , Gene Loves Jezebel and The Alarm). This rapid turnover of band-members was characteristic throughout Chelsea's existence, with October the only constant presence. Chelsea were noted for their socialist politics and the raw emotion of their early live gigs. Their first single, Right to Work, dealing with unemployment, was their most popular song. After spending 1977-78 touring in the UK and overseas, they released their first LP, Chelsea, in 1979. Their second LP, Alternative Hits, was released in 1980. The band released their latest studio album, Faster, Cheaper and Better Looking in 2005. They continue to record and tour.