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Singer name: Dama
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There are at least 4 artists with this name. 1) Dama project is a Metal band from Milan, Italy and its Hinterland 2) Dama is an Italian dance project 3) Also see artist "dama" a.k.a danis mallis: www.last.fm/music/danis+mallis www.myspace.com/damaproject 4) A musician from Madagascar, also member of Mahaleo 1) Dama project is a Metal band formed thanks to a chain of events between Milan and its Hinterland which seem to be driven by Destiny. A series of coincidences bring the singer and author Barbara Schera Vanoli and the drum player Pierfrancesco Tarantino to meet. This latter, after having listened to a few of her songs, immediately proposes a collaboration. The artistic feeling between the two is evident from the first moment and it grows as the songs are touched my Piero's magical arrangements. In a short time a band starts to get together. This band will be officially formed when the Keyboard player and sound engineer Danilo di Lorenzo, the Bass player Roberto Gelli and the Guitarist Cristian Comizzoli join . The name 'Dama' is chosen in order to represent the world that their music wishes to express and the singer's passion for gothic cathedrals dedicated to 'Notre-Dame" in France. Barbara's melodies and texts merging together in Piero's musical arrangements and characterized by a detailed research of the right sound by the other members of the band, create a fusion of sounds that contrasts with the frequencies and dynamics typical of nowadays trademarks. North-European metal influences are mixed with gothic, pop, rock and symphonic outlines which give life to a very particular style when compared to the Italian music reality. In the first months of the year 2008, the promo "Dama" is published with 5 songs of the milanese band which is now completing the whole album. 2) Dama is an Italian dance project produced and arranged by Claudio Mingardi, Gianluca Vivaldi and Riccardo Salani.were born in Naples in '86 and '85.They met each other at school and together they cultivated their passion for music. This interest led them to discover and to love every kind of music, from rock to hip hop to electronic to jazz. They grew up going to clubs and parties, so they discovering their passion for techno music and mixing. Dama released the singles "Beautiful Ones", "Crying", "Singing" "Me or Me" "The Last Night" "Cryng" "Dog Days" "Get Toguether" and "Mac Arthur Park". 3)Also see artist "dama" a.k.a danis mallis: www.last.fm/music/danis+mallis www.myspace.com/damaproject