Dengue Fever - video clips, songs, albums online

Singer name: Dengue Fever
Website: Dengue Fever
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Dengue Fever is an American band from Los Angeles. Their music is a mix of Cambodian pop and psychedelic rock. Group history: Dengue Fever at the 2008 Beautiful Days Festival. The group was formed in 2001 by Ethan Holtzman, and his brother Zac, whose inspiration came after a trip to Cambodia. Ethan and Zac were looking for a Khmer singer. Chhom Nimol was spotted at Little Phnom Penh a nightclub in Long Beach. Although she is a karaoke singer already known in Cambodia, she decided to move to the United States after visiting her sister. She thought it was a chance for her to make more money to send to her family1. Zac is a singer and guitarist, formerly with Dieselhed, while Ethan plays the Farfisa organ. Bass player Senon Williams played at the Radar Bros until January 2009, drummer Paul Smith and David Ralicke at the brass.