I VIRTUOSI ITALIANI - video clips, songs, albums online

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The orchestra of I Virtuosi Italiani is considered one of the most lively and qualified ensembles in the international musical scene. The orchestra, born in 1989, is to the present day on the hotspot for its artistic excellence, for its innovative musical projects and for the managing strategies it has displayed through its history. It regularly performs in the most important theatres and musical venues in Italy, while being frequently invited all around the world for performances and tours. Among the most relevant performances of the last three years we highlight the concert for the Senate of the Republic of Italy – broadcasted live on RAI 1; the “Concert for Life and Peace” – performed in Rome, Betlehem and Jerusalem and broadcasted worldwide on RAI 1; a concert in the Sala Nervi of Vatican city in presence of the Pope; a tour around South America, in the most important concert venues and musical seasons of the continent, and the debut in the prestigious Royal Albert Hall in London. I Virtuosi Italiani currently works with worldwide famous soloists and conductors; in the meantime it has developed a rich repertoire of musical records (more than 100 CDs for well-known recording houses and over 400.000 records sold all around the world). In the year 2004 I Virtuosi Italiani, together with its leader Alberto Martini (here performing both as conductor and soloist), was awarded with the prestigious “Choc de la Musique” prize, the “Five stars – Goldberg prize”, the “Diapason d'or”, and received 5 stars from the Italian musical journal “Musica”, for the original intepretation of F.A. Bomporti's complete works (in first release). Among the most recent recordings (December 2012) there is a CD entirely dedicated to Philip Glass's compositions, for the Orange Mountain Music records, and the first worldwide release in recent times of the Cantatas by Nicolò Porpora, for Brilliant Classic records. Being focused on philological research, I Virtuosi Italiani often performs the baroque repertoire, at times with original baroque instruments. In this same repertoire, UNITEL CLASSICA has recently (Jan. 2013) published two DVDs with the performances of “Il Prigionier Superbo”, “La Serva Padrona” and “La Salustia” by G.B. Pergolesi, conducted by Corrado Rovaris. However, the ensemble is also devoted to the greatest possible versatility and to the entertainment of the vastest possible audience, with a special attention to the youth; for this reason, it has also distingushed itself for its research in the experimental repertoire. Collaborations with artists such as C. Corea, G., Bregovic, M. Nyman, L. Einaudi, F. Battiato, C. Picco, U. Caine, P. Fresu and R. Galliano head in this direction. I Virtuosi Italiani are both founders and principal performers of a musical season in Verona, where the orchestra is based, today at its XIV year, and of a season of sacred music in the beautiful church of San Fermo Maggiore in Verona, this year at its third edition. The performances of I Virtuosi Italiani are always warmly welcome both by audiences and by critics. Enrico Girardi, musical critic of “Il Corriere della Sera”, wrote that “I Virtuosi Italiani are an ensemble of absolute excellence. They approach the baroque, classical and contemporary repertoire not only with self-confidence, but with and adrenalinic determination and brilliance which give life and tension, though always within the range of a wise stylistic consistency”. From the year 2011 on, I Virtuosi Italiani has been the ensemble-in-residence of the musical season held in the in the church of Ospedale della Pietà in Venice. The artistic mission sees the Konzertmeister and principal violin Alberto Martini as the key figure, while the principal conductor is Corrado Rovaris. From October 2011 the guest principal soloist is Pavel Berman.