Leon Bridges - video clips, songs, albums online

Singer name: Leon Bridges
Year of foundation / birth: 1989
Website: Leon Bridges
"Leon Bridges" is an American gospel and soul singer from Fort Worth, Texas. He is best known for his song "Coming Home", which received regular airplay and was also a Top 10 Most Viral Track on Spotify. Bridges began his career by writing songs and learned guitar in order to play simple chords to accompany his lyrics. He played at open-mic nights around Fort Worth while working as a dishwasher until he was signed by Columbia Records in 2014. It was his song "Lisa Sawyer", about his mother's baptism in a river, that first defined his style. Bridges began writing and performing 1950s and '60s-style soul music that was described by Austin 360 as "a transmission straight from the heart.". Bridges's style is soul and gospel resembling 1960s rhythm and blues. The Wall Street Journal described him as a "throwback to ’60s-soul a la Otis Redding and Sam Cooke.