Mt. Wolf - video clips, songs, albums online

Singer name: Mt. Wolf
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For a young group, the story of Mt. Wolf (pronounced Mount Wolf) is already full. Alex Mitchell, Sebastian Bassi Fox and Stevie McMinn form a trio of twenty-year-olds, their next album will be their first album, but Mt. Wolf of 2017 is actually already a reformation. That of an electronic folk project that included in the ranks the singer Kate Sproule until 2013 (with some successes on the counter). While the London formation was about to take off live, Sproule suddenly left the adventure, resulting in the immediate split of a group yet promising. A year later, in a mixture of frustration and excitement, Mitchell and McMinn raised Mt. Wolf by entrusting the singing to Fox. A good pick as the guitarist actually has a deep voice, deep and unexploited until then and who immediately flies. The Electric, the first excerpt of nearly 7 minutes of their first real album, is a good example: a cavernous rock prayer that evokes both Interpol and Arcade Fire, and which highlights the powerful voice of the musician. A title much less electronic than the previous deliveries of Mt. Wolf, and which also perhaps signs a musical turn for this album recorded with Ken Thomas (M83, Sigur Ros).