Pupo - video clips, songs, albums online

Singer name: Pupo
Year of foundation / birth: 1955
Enzo Ghinazzi (born 11 September 1955 - Ponticino, Arezzo, Italy), best known as Pupo (Italian for little baby) is an Italian Pop singer and lyricist. Pupo has been writing, composing, and performing songs for almost 30 years, making a name for himself among the greatest Italian singers. From 1975, the year of his début with Ti scrivero', to 1982 he has experienced an uninterrupted series of successes. His records (Su di noi, Ciao, Lo devo solo a te, Forse, Firenze S. Maria Novella, Un amore grande, among others) have been heard around the world and have been translated into English, German, French and Spanish. With over twenty million albums sold throughout the course of his career, Pupo has received 11 gold records, and with the album Piu' di prima, he also won the Gondola d'Oro in 1981. He has participated in four Festivals of Sanremo (1980-83-84 and 1992) in which he was always classified among the top performers. His texts have also contributed to the breakthrough of many fellow singers. Among the many examples is Sara' perche' ti amo, which in 1981 marked the great return of the Ricchi e Poveri. In the same year, Pupo founded the Nazionale Italiana Cantanti with Mogol and Morandi, while the Famiglia Cristiana published a survey which named him the most sympathetic and nice Italian artist. Enzo Ghinazzi's voice resounds in the most important theaters in the world including Madison Square Garden and Broadway in New York, the Maple Leaf Garden in Toronto, the Royal Albert Hall of London, and the Entertainment Center of Sydney, as well as the Olympia of Paris, and the grand theaters of Tallinn, Leningrad, and Moscow