Album Good Morning Revival (Good Charlotte). Songs and videos online

Album title: Good Morning Revival
Release year: 2007
Radio stations
Good Morning Revival is the fourth full-length studio album by Good Charlotte and the follow-up to the 2004 release The Chronicles of Life and Death. It is the first album to feature Dean Butterworth on drums, who joined the band in March 2007 after former drummer Chris Wilson departed in 2005. Billy Martin has mentioned in an interview that Benji Madden came up with the name for the album. The sound of Good Morning Revival has more of an alternative rock style than the previous Good Charlotte albums. This style can be heard in the album's third single, "Dance Floor Anthem (I Don't Want to Be in Love)", which is the most successful song on the album by debuting at No. 2 on the Australian charts and reaching No.25 on the Billboard Hot 100. It is the final album by Good Charlotte to be released through Daylight Records