ATB - video clips, songs, albums online

Singer name: ATB
Year of foundation / birth: 1973
Website: ATB
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ATB songs

André Tanneberger, under the stagename of ATB, (born 26 February 1973) is a German DJ, musician, and producer of trance music. According to the official world DJ rankings governed by DJ Magazine, ATB was ranked #11 in 2009. As well as in 2010 and went down to #15 in 2011. He is also ranked as world number 1 according to "The DJ List." In the late 80s on the weekend Andre frequented club Tarm Center in Bochum, to listen to the music of DJ Thomas Kukula (better known as the General Base). In 1992, he decided himself to do music composition. His equipment consisted of an Amiga computer and a small synthesizer. Thomas, seeing a young boy, he offers to work in his recording studio to finish the song. In the studio, Andre used his first professional synthesizer Sequential Pro One, which gave him the idea to name his first project Sequential One. Tanneberger started his music career at the dance music group Sequential One. In February 1993 under the name of Andre Sequential One released their debut single «Dance» and «Let Me Hear You». Singles brought them small financial benefits - Andre gained the opportunity to organize a mini-studio. In 1994 the band increased by 3 members: Ulrich Poppelbaum, Woody van Eyden and vocalist Morfa. In the early 1995 House Nation label on the first album Sequential One «Dance». After the great success in his native Germany, Sequential One gradually became known in other countries of Europe. The second album, «Energy» apart from Germany, was also released in the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland and Hungary. Despite the success and growing popularity of two members of the project - Woody van Eyden and Morpha - still left him in 1998. In the group were only Andre and Ullrich. In 1999 Sequential One ceased to exist. But shortly before the collapse, Andre managed to release the last single «Angels» and album of the best works of «Decades».