КУКРЫНИКСЫ - video clips, songs, albums online

Singer name: КУКРЫНИКСЫ
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The russian post-punk band Кукрыниксы (Kukryniksy) was founded in 1997 by Aleksey Gorshenev, the ex-drummer of the horror punk band Король и Шут and the brother of their frontman Горшок (Gorshok). Kukry music gradually evolved from early pop punk to this day's post punk / goth rock. The band is well-known for their soundtrack to "The 9th Company" movie. The word "KuKryNiksy" is the name of a Soviet cartoon artist trio famous in 1940s-50s (Mikhail Kuprianov, Porfiry Krylov and Nikolay Sokolov). This name was chosen for the band accidentally and temporarily, but has not been changed yet.